Group Project Web Report Outline

September 20, 2011

Alrightos. So our group has decided to look into the topic on Ecotechnology.

Here’s the brief outline of our web report, feel free to look through and give us your valuable comments!

-What Ecotechnology / topic is about.

Background / Historical data
-Eco-technology and its emergence: how did it come about / why does it exist?
-Our stand in terms of the idea of eco-technology: is it important? Is it here to stay? What is the future?

Current Situation
-What are some of the environmental movements that we have experienced / brought about significant changes
-eco farming
-methods of harnessing energy
-eco transport
-eco food / packaging
-reduction / reuse / recycling efforts
-developing countries: eco-tech is the way to go?
-governments regulatory body’s role in eco-movements
-current needs

Future considerations
-What are some of the emerging trends in eco-technology (Future), and support our stand.
-as a business
-amount of money / effort spent in this area (green spending)
-as an area of study and research
-as a need (compliance with law/standards/guidelines)
-Stakeholders in the whole green movement
-consumers : what is in for them, what should they do?
-businesses : what is in for them?
-Does the whole movement bring about only benefits?
-opposing viewpoints
-What form of resistance are there(if any)?
-Any setbacks / consequences?


-Restate our thesis/stand
-Limitations on our research
-interpretations and implications of our research results


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